Search Results for: Food – Page 3
Koi Fish – What do they eat?
Bred from colorful carp species in early 19th century Japan, Koi are considered a sign...
Snail Lifespan – How long do Snails Live?
Overrunning the habitats and keeping your tank tidy, aquarium snails come in various shapes and...
15+ Fish With Big Forehead – Pictures & Facts
We humans have a particular tendency to identify other creatures based on our biology. Unless...
Sucker Fish: Care Tips, Tank Mates & More
Commonly known as the suckermouth catfish and common pleco, sucker fish are freshwater inhabitants belonging...
Do Goldfish have Teeth?
Aggressively bred to become increasingly vibrant, goldfish are one of the most prevalent freshwater fish...
Columnaris In Bettas (Cotton Wool Disease Care & Cure)
We understand your frustration regarding Columnaris outbreak in your Betta tank. Whether you’re an experienced...
15 Fish with Big Lips – Photos & Facts
Big lips in fish are particularly interesting to observe in aquariums. In the wild, fleshy...
White Mold in Aquarium, What Are They?
A crystal-clear aquarium is a marvel that you can enjoy day and night, but imagine...
How to Take Proper Care of Tropical Fish Babies (Fry)
When you have your own tropical fish tank, it can be challenging to successfully get...
10 Reasons Why Your Fish Keep Dying
While you may delay it, death in your aquarium is inevitable. Some of your fish...
Why Holes are Appearing in Your Aquarium Plants
Chemical changes in artificial waters are more rapid than in the atmosphere, where it takes...
How to Differentiate Between a Male and a Female Guppy
The first fish you ever owned was probably a bright-colored guppy. Guppies are absolute staples...