Search Results for: Food – Page 4
Severum (Banded Cichlid) Care Guide
Similar to Discus in terms of water parameters and temperament, Severum, aka Banded Cichlids, are...
Most Accurate Aquarium Thermometers money can Buy!
Except for a few, most fish and amphibians are cold-blooded creatures whose metabolic functions are...
Best Aquarium Starter Bacteria Supplements
Ever bought a new tank with plants, substrates, and a few beginner fish to see...
Reasons Why Your Aquarium Water is Foaming Bubbles
Foaming or bubbling is a common occurrence in both freshwater and saltwater tanks. Various reasons,...
Top 10 Warm Water Fishes
Warm water or tropical fish need a certain threshold of water temperature to survive and...
Which is better? Cycling or Seasoning an Aquarium
Produced by fish waste and the decomposition of protein-based food sources, ammonia is toxic to...
Top 10 Livebearer Fish to Breed in Your Aquarium
External fertilization, thanks to the vastness of natural water bodies, is more successful in the...
Best Reef Salt for your Saltwater Aquarium
Starting and sustaining a saltwater reef aquarium is probably the most challenging yet rewarding hobby...
What is an Axolotl and Is It Suitable for your Aquarium
Popular in both aquarium trade and research, Axolotls are amphibians that refuse to go through...
Water Dog Fish – Complete Care Guide
Commonly referred to by their name Beyer’s Waterdog, the Water Dog Fish/Waterdog Fish are peaceful...
Complete Guide to Gulper Catfish Care
Native to the freshwater streams of Rio Negro and Orinoco river basins in Brazil, Colombia,...
How to Identify Fat Lips Fish Issues and Diseases
Result of either benign growth or serious diseases, the “Fat Lip” or “Duck Lip” issue...