Peppered Cory: Care Guide, Breeding, Tank size, & Disease
Peppered Cory Overview Pepper Corys are little, peaceful fish that can assist in keeping your tank’s bottom clean. They’re also entertaining pets with the ability

Community Fish: Top 38 Underrated Fishes
Community tanks are fun to watch because of the bursts of colours from fish zipping from corner to corner, complemented by lush green forests of

American Flagfish: Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size & Disease
American Flagfish Care The American Flagfish is an easy-to-care-for fish with a peaceful temperament. It requires a tank size of at least 10-20 gallons and

Rummy Nose Tetra: Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size & Disease
Rummy Nose Tetra: A Quick Summary Rummy nose tetras are small, colorful fish native to South America, popular in freshwater aquariums for their peaceful temperament

Dwarf Cichlids: Full Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size & Disease
We explore Dwarf Cichlids, small, brightly colored community fish ideal for aquariums. They’re less aggressive than typical Cichlids and coexist well with other species. These

Chalk Bass: Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size & Disease (2025)
It is one aquarium fish that is often overlooked by most aquarists although it has lots to offer to the hobby. The good news is

Longnose Hawkfish : Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size & Disease
Longnose Hawkfish, scientifically known as Oxycirrhites typus, is a popular marine water aquarium fish that has its native habitat in the tropical reefs of both

Neon Tetra: Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size, and Disease
The neon tetra has won the hearts of many hobbyists for four major reasons. For a start, it possesses vibrant colors that easily spruce up

Sparkling Gourami: Complete Guide to Care, Breeding, Tank Size and Disease
Sparkling Gourami: A Brief Introduction Sparkling gourami (Trichopsis Pumila) are small, peaceful fish native to Southeast Asia. They are known for their iridescent scales and

Cherry Barb: Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size and Disease
Cherry Barb: A Quick Summary Cherry barbs are small, colorful freshwater fish native to Sri Lanka. They are popular among aquarists for their bright red