Foxface Fish: Complete Guide to Care, Breedings, Tank Size, and Disease
Foxface Fish : A Quick Summary Foxface fish, also known as rabbitfish, are colorful saltwater fishes native to the Indo-Pacific region. They are popular in

Archer Fish Guide: Care, Breeding, Compatibility and More…
The archer fish is a quaint fish that is noted for shooting a strong jet of water towards its prey (that are usually insects) in

Serpae Tetra:Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size and Disease
Serpae Tetra: A Quick Summary The Serpae Tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques) is a small, colorful fish native to South America. It is a popular choice for

Goby Fish: Complete Guide to Care, Breeding, Tank Size and Disease
Goby Fish Overview The Goby Fish belongs to a very large fish family (Gobiidae) that comprises over two thousand distinct species. There are a variety

Scarlet Badis: The Underrated Nano Fish
Nano fish are quickly becoming one of the most popular categories of fish kept by hobbyists. Aquarists have become fascinated with the idea of moulding

Fancy Goldfish: Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size, & Disease
Gold fish are a common fish species that have been known in the hobby for quite a long time. Goldfish come in various species and

Butterfly Fish Care and Breeding Guide
A hobbyist with a preference for colored fish may find the Butterfly a suitable tank pet. Considered an exotic beauty, Butterfly fish belongs to the

Bichir: Full Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size & Disease
Bichir fish is a family of freshwater fishes with ray fins that are native to the continent of Africa where they are well spread out

Zebra Danio: Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size, and Disease
For the fresh water aquarists the Zebra Danio has been a long time favorite for them may for the fact that it can easily be

Pearl Gourami: Care Guide, Breeding, Tank Size, & Diseases
Pearl Gourami Overview The Pearl Gourami is a favorite aquarium fish amongst some aquarists due to its amazing appearance. It is also known as lace