

List of Goldfishes that stay small

Goldish were first bred over 1000 years ago during the Song Dynasty in China, where they were royally treated as a symbol of the imperial family. Later, they swum their way to Japan and Europe, becoming a popular ornamental fish worldwide. In some cultures,

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Snail Eggs on the Tank Glass

Snail Eggs on the Tank Glass? Here’s What to Do

Depending on your tank inhabitants and preference, gummy bundles on the glass can be seen as either delightful or alarming. It could be jovial news if you’re interested in keeping and breeding snails. However, on the alarming flipside, most freshwater snail species are considered

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1-Gallon Fish Tanks

Choose the Best Fishies For Your 1 Gallon Tank

As a beginner, it’s understandable if you want to start small with a 1-gallon tank to keep suitable fish. But, a gallon is never enough for any fish, even the tiniest ones, to have a consistently healthy life. While some expert aquarists may succeed

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Stressed Betta Fish

How to Help a Stressed Betta Fish?

Betta fish are beloved for their beauty and relatively low maintenance requirements. However, these stunning creatures can experience stress, leading to health issues and decreased lifespan. As a responsible pet owner, it’s essential to understand how to help a stressed betta fish.  Through this

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Betta Fish

Betta Fish Swimming Sideways: Treatments & Reasons

Illustrating a dazzling array of splendid colors, Betta, or the Siamese Fighting fish, are intelligent creatures that inhabit the slow-moving waters of Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.  However, the Bettas living in the artificial waters result from selective aesthetics-based breeding. Like any living thing,

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Is Holding or Touching an Axolotl okay?

Sometimes called “water dogs”, the always-grinning Axolotls are native to the lakes of Xochimilco and Chalco in central Mexico. They’re critically endangered in the wild due to habitat loss and invasive species introduction but remain populous in artificial waters.  Touching an Axolotl has always

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Koi Fish

Koi Fish – What do they eat?

Bred from colorful carp species in early 19th century Japan, Koi are considered a sign of good fortune and health. Koi are mostly found captive in outdoor ponds and larger indoor aquariums. Despite being a pretty resilient species, Koi have specific nutritional requirements that

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Snail Lifespan

Snail Lifespan – How long do Snails Live?

Overrunning the habitats and keeping your tank tidy, aquarium snails come in various shapes and sizes. As a new snail keeper, it’s understandable if you have questions regarding how long your snails will live and how you can offer them a longer lifespan in

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Flowerhorn Cichlid

15+ Fish With Big Forehead – Pictures & Facts

We humans have a particular tendency to identify other creatures based on our biology. Unless they have spikes that look like hair on their head, fish theoretically don’t have foreheads. But, a few unique fish species have a larger head or a hump on

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Sucker Fish

Sucker Fish: Care Tips, Tank Mates & More

Commonly known as the suckermouth catfish and common pleco, sucker fish are freshwater inhabitants belonging to the armored catfish family. They naturally occur in the Amazon River basin and its tributaries through the countries of Brazil, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago.  Sucker fish usually

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Goldfish Teeth

Do Goldfish have Teeth?

Aggressively bred to become increasingly vibrant, goldfish are one of the most prevalent freshwater fish in the aquarium trade. They belong to the carp family and some of the species can grow up to 2 feet. However, most fancy goldfish that you may find

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