Search Results for: co2 – Page 5

June 20, 2018

Utricularia Graminifolia Aquarium Plant Care Guide (2025)

Utricularia graminifolia, a beautiful foreground plant, originated in Asia (Burma, China, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand,...

April 25, 2018

Green Hair Algae: 3 Quick Fixes & Get Rid of Them Easily

In this article, we discuss causes and solutions for hair algae in aquariums. Key factors...

April 20, 2018

Vallisneria aquarium plant

Vallisneria is a classical aquarium plant also known as eelgrass, tape grass, and Vallis. It...

June 9, 2017

Aquascaping Styles for Aquariums

The world of aquariums is a fascinating and complex passion. There are practically no limits...

March 9, 2017

Hardscape for Your Aquascape

Gravel,wood, sand, rock, and several decorative items are essential hardscape materials for an optimal aquascape...

February 26, 2017

Tips to Creating a Carpet in Your Planted Tank

Imagine lush, green grass flowing loosely with every movement of fish swimming passed; smaller fish...

February 8, 2017

Best Planted Tank Forums

When you have a hobby, you want to share your experience with other people. It’s...

January 29, 2017

Low-Tech Planted Tank Guide

If you are passionate about aquascaping, but you do not have much time to take...

January 26, 2017

Ways to Lowering Aquarium PH Naturally

Aquariums make a beautiful addition to any room, home, or office, but in order to...

January 24, 2017

Growing Dwarf Baby Tears on Driftwood

Dwarf Baby Tears, also known as Hemianthus callitrichoides, is a small bright green aquarium plant...

January 22, 2017

Seachem Prime Review – Is Small Dose Good Enough?

Ever since my first goldfish died, I’ve been trying to find the perfect combination of...

January 20, 2017

Staurogyne Repens Carpet Care Guide – Carpet, Floating, Propagation

Staurogyne repens carpet is among the most popular freshwater plants belonging to the Acanthaceae family,...