We explore the Amazon Frogbit, an easy-to-care-for floating aquatic plant from the Hydrocharitaceae family, native to Central and South America but also found as an invasive species in North America. It’s popular in aquariums for its ornamental nature, characterized by thick, spatula-shaped leaves with spongy undersides. The plant thrives in a variety of water conditions, prefers to stay dry on top, and can grow up to 20 inches high, potentially covering the water surface and impacting oxygen levels in tanks with fish.
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Amazon Frogbit Care
The Amazon Frogbit is a hardy plant that may be used by both beginning and experienced aquarists. Because it thrives in a variety of water conditions, it is simple to spread. The top of the plant must always be kept dry as it is the most crucial part of taking care of this plant. This plant’s tips will start to decay if they remain damp for any length of time.
Amazon Frogbit Overview
Amazon Frogbit, a low-maintenance floating plant from the Hydrocharitaceae family, is popular among aquarium hobbyists. Native to Central and South America, it’s also found in North America as an invasive species. Known as South American sponge plant, it features thick, spatula-shaped leaves with spongy undersides. While young, it has flat floating leaves; as it matures, leaves rise above water, producing small, attractive white flowers. However, extensive growth can lead to oxygen depletion in aquariums, affecting other plants and fish.
The amazon frogbit aquarium plant is pretty easy to care for, so it has become a prominent plant among aquarium hobbyists. It is a floating aquatic plant derived from the family of hydrocharitaceae. The scientific name of this aquarium plant is limnobium laevigatum.
Although there are reports of its existence in North America as invasive species, the plant is native to the Central and South American regions.
You will now find it in many American states of California, probably due to human activity. Some of the plants get transferred into the wild through the hands of people in the aquarium trade. They are also known as South American sponge plants because of their thick, spatula-shaped leaves with spongy undersides.
The amazon frogbit remains popular with plant aquarists due to its ornamental nature, and you will find it commonly used in aquariums and ponds. When the plant is still young, it has the characteristic of growing flat leaves that float on the water’s surface.
As it grows mature, it will produce leaves that will rise above the water surface. The flowers that the plant produces are small and whitish, and it usually makes it appear very attractive.
Information Chart | Amazon Frogbit |
Scientific Name: | Limnobium laevigatum |
Family: | Hydrocharitacea family |
Care Level: | Easy |
Growth Rate: | Aggressive |
Maximum Size: | Height: up to 20 inches.Width: from 0.5 to 3 inches |
Minimum Tank size: | Any tank size |
Water Conditions: | Freshwater, 64–80° F, KH 4–20, pH 6–7.5 |
Lighting | Medium |
Propagation: | Division |
Placement: | Floating |
Amazon Frogbit Appearance
The leaves of amazon frogbit are round in shape and look similar to that of the ripe lemon. It is identical to the water hyacinth, very smooth with no markings and invisible hair.

When it comes to the mature stage, they start flowering with white color. The flower will grow less than an inch in size.
In a home aquarium, the plant can grow to a maximum of 20 inches and have the leaves spread on the surface of the aquarium entirely. It easily leads to oxygen depletion in the aquarium.
The amazon frogbit is also known to prevent other plants within the same pond or aquarium from getting sufficient sunlight.
Due to the properties of this plant, it is not advisable to plant it in an aquarium with fish. Doing so may end up stifling the fish of oxygen in the aquarium. Remember, fish need sufficient oxygen to live a healthy and active life.
Varieties Of Amazon Frogbit Plant
In this section, you will learn about the types of amazon frogbit. Two types of amazon frogbit are available.
- American Frogbit
- European Frogbit
American Frogbit

You can mostly discover it in the southeastern parts of the United States. The leaves of the American frogbit are heart-shaped rather than round.
European Frogbit

You can find it in northern Asia and European regions. The leaves of the plants appear smaller in size compared with the American frogbit leaves.
Amazon Frogbit Size
The typical amazon frogbit grows up to 3 inches on the lower end and 20 inches for larger specimens.
The roots of the plants grow to 20 inches, and leaves occupy the entire surface of the water in the aquarium.
Hence regular trimming of the leaves and plant is required, as the amazon frogbit rapidly grows in any environment and condition. The amazon frogbit can grow 50cm tall.
Amazon Frogbit Care and Tank Set-Up
Amazon Frogbit requires minimal maintenance in aquariums, thriving in various water conditions with moderate lighting. It’s essential to keep its leaves dry to prevent rotting. This plant effectively filters water and provides shelter for fish but can overgrow, necessitating regular pruning to ensure adequate light and oxygen levels for other aquatic life. For a balanced tank environment, adequate spacing and nutrient balance are crucial.
Amazon Frogbit Tank Size and Specifications
The amazon frogbit is a resilient plant suitable for novice and advanced aquarists. It is indeed easy to propagate because it excels in various water conditions.

Besides adding positive energy to the aquarium, they also add visual appeal. The frogbit is a tough plant to maintain; you will have plenty of time to suit your tank conditions accordingly to avoid any serious problems. It would be best to avoid browning and scorched leaves at all costs.
If you want to keep the amazon frogbit in your home aquariums, you will need to maintain the following tank parameters:
Optimum Tank Size for Amazon Frogbit Plant
The recommended tank size for Amazon Frogbit Plant is 10 gallons. The plant can be grown in any tank, but you need to be more cautious while planting in a minimum size tank.
Tank Shape for Amazon Frogbit Plant
The preferred tank shape for the Amazon Frogbit is a rectangle.
Filter Type
Amazon Frogbit plants need no filters in an aquarium, but they can benefit from the circulation created by filters. When replacing the water in the tank, take caution. Changing the water can cause excessive shock and kill the fish.
There is no absolute need for care when selecting a suitable substrate for plant growth. Trailer roots acquire the required nutrients from the water so that you can place any substrates like sand, gravel, and marble.
How Many Amazon Frogbit Plant Can Grow In 10-Gallon Tanks
A minimum of 5 to 6 plants can grow in a 10-gallon tank.
Water Parameters for Amazon Frogbit Plant
Even though the plant is easy to care for and hardy, it must adhere to certain parameters to thrive. You should prioritize keeping the plant in a relatively dry place because if the top part of the plant gets wet, it will start rotting.

You must change the water daily if you store the plant in a tank. Allowing the plant to stay too long in the same stale water for many days will also cause it to start rotting.
The plant is susceptible to snails as it offers an easy meal.
Therefore, avoid keeping a large population of snails in a tank where you wish to grow this plant. You can grow the plant in the middle of the tank if you have snails in your tank to help save it from the ravages of the animals.
Alternatively, keep the malaysian trumpet snail if you have to keep snails in the same tank where you grow the plant. This type of snail belongs to the class of snails that are plant-friendly.
Water Temperature
The ideal water temperature for the amazon frogbit Plant is 68-86oF.
Water Flow Rate
The plant’s growth requires slow-moving or calm water.
pH Level
The perfect water pH level for the amazon frogbit plant is 6-7.5 [pH].
Water Hardness
The amazon frogbit plant is under-demanding as it can sustain itself in various conditions. The plant’s growth is good in soft water; hence the hardness of the water should be between 10 to 12 ppm or 4 KH to 20 KH.
Amazon Frogbit Plant Tank Landscape
Worst Plants for Amazon Frogbit Tanks
It will benefit if you place plants that can survive in low lighting and the amazon frogbits together. Some examples are american water weeds, moss, vallisneria, and sagittaria.

As these are best suited for the aquarium. The worst plants for the amazon frogbits are the floating plants.
Decorations for Amazon Frogbit Tanks
The fish require many decorations and lush foliage. When they’re threatened or are playing in an aquarium, they will hide under rocks, plants, and other tank decorations.
They will become more stressed if you keep them in a brightly lit tank with no plants or décor. They are more relaxed and confident in a dynamic and natural setting, similar to their wild habitat.
Mix the live plants you’d like to place in the aquarium together. Only choose plants that you’re confident will thrive in their native habitat while adhering to water limits that you’ve set.
Choose floating and leafy plants that provide shade, allowing the fish to seek refuge. Driftwood is also a nice addition to their tank, as long as it’s not too big.
Lighting for Amazon Frogbit Plants
Amazon frogbit floats on the surface of the aquarium; illumination won’t be an issue. It thrives in moderate to high lighting; in some cases, it prospers in low light. Use full-spectrum T5 or T8 bulbs but you can as well use LED lights as a cross-section of aquarists have also successfully used them.

It’s not necessary to leave your lights on all the time.
It is a handy plant and can whatever cycle you’ve put up for your current aquarium residents.
The only thing to worry about is excessive heat. Make sure your lighting isn’t too close to the foliage; otherwise, it will burn leaves.
Amazon Frogbit Compatibility and Tank Mates
If you are interested in adding amazon frogbit to the aquarium, gather all the information about its compatible tank mates. Their suitable tankmates include plants and fishes that thrive in low lighting.

You can get detailed information about their compatible tank mates below.
Ideal Tank Mates for Amazon Frogbit
Some fishes that are compatible with the amazon frogbit are listed below:
Bad Tank Mates for Amazon Frogbit
If you own species that like interacting and love engaging with the amazon frogbit roots, these species are considered the best tank mates for amazon frogbit. Some species play, hide, and breed in this plant’s root system.
On the other hand, rapid swimmers and other aggressive species may be put off by the amazon frogbit’s root system, tearing the roots or harming the plant’s bottom.
Facts About Amazon Frogbit Plant
- These plants can produce thick coverings that hide the water beneath them.
- If left unattended, amazon frogbit, like algae blooms, can deplete water bodies of oxygen, light, and minerals.
- Due to sloppy aquarium dumping, the amazon frogbit has spread far beyond its native Central and South America.
- You can discover them in California’s ponds, lakes, and irrigation canals. It flourishes in Zimbabwe, especially around Harare’s dams.
- It is considered a dangerous weed in Australia that should be reported to local weed management agencies and destroyed.
- It might not be easy to rid aquatic bodies of amazon frogbit. You can propagate these plants further by shredding or distributing their seeds.
- As a biological control, no fish or other animals are known to consume amazon frogbit. The only way to combat invasions thus far has been to use chemicals to clear the area.

Are Amazon Frogbit Plants Right for You?
The amazon frogbit may have been doing havoc on natural habitats, but it makes an excellent asset to an aquarium. The best thing about this plant is how easy it is to manage. It’s an excellent starting plant for new aquarium owners to grow.
This plant will also appeal to those who have established aquariums and many duties to undertake. It will survive and reproduce with little to no effort on your side.
How To Thin the Amazon Frogbit Plant?
You can determine this by the aquarium size and the light it needs. It is essential to take care of these plants in smaller aquariums as their growth will be more frequent.
Similarly, thin it out if your aquarium houses other plants and creatures that require light, and you notice that your amazon frogbit is preventing the light from reaching them.
If not trimmed at the right time, the amazon frogbit invites two hazards: its leaves begin to rot. Secondly, they will contaminate the entire tank, cultivating risks for other species in the tank.
It’s easy to thin down the plant. If its roots have gotten too long, you can clip them off.
Thinning of the leaves reduces overgrowth and the chances of leaves rotting.
Cutting and disposing of the leaves should be done with utmost care.
Where Can You Get Amazon Frogbit?
Amazon frogbit is a common aquarium plant found in most specialist aquariums and pet stores. If this is not the case, you can find and buy it online.
Look for reliable manufacturers with many positive ratings if you choose the online route. If you order the plant from the online platform, you might get sick or dead plants.
Verify that the manufacturer does not ship during adverse weather. It may perish in transit if the temperature is too hot or cold. Hence, avoid sudden water changes, creating an inappropriate environment for your plant to thrive.
How the cultivation or production of Amazon Frogbit takes place?
Generally, the plants reproduce sexually through flower pollination. Pollination is not possible in a closed aquarium. The plant’s production occurs through stem fragmentation, in which the small plants get separated from the main plant and form a new plant in another location.
How To Take Care of Amazon Frogbit?
You should follow a few rules and guidelines while taking care of the amazon frogbit.

To begin, you must trim it out as required. The frequency depends on the tank size and the number of plants. If the trailing roots become too lengthy, thinning may require chopping them off. Alternatively, if too many plants are in your aquarium, you can remove them.
It will help if you prune any dark, rotten leaves that you detect. Remove the dead leaves by cutting them off at the stem and discarding them.
Amazon frogbit is a freshwater aquarium plant common among aquarists that prefer rearing plants in their home aquariums. The plant’s juvenile is known to grow round-like leaves that float on the water surface. When the plant matures, it will grow beautiful white flowers covering the water surface.
However, when you raise this plant in a tank with fish, you must pay extreme attention. It is known to deplete oxygen levels in the tank, and therefore it may not be a great plant to use in an aquarium with fish.
Undoubtedly, amazon frogbit adds beauty to the aquarium and creates a great environmental aura for the fishes. Aquarists can easily take care of the plant, which better suits beginners and experienced ones.
It will reproduce the young ones with no effort, and the plant lives long. When coming to caring, only thinning of the plant is needed. This plant suits almost any aquarium as the plant grows under minimum light conditions and in freshwater.
Share your comments and tips for growing the amazon frogbit plants below.
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