Fantail goldfish are flamboyant and small fish that are truly unique creatures. But, even if you are a beginner, you can keep them. These fishes are freshwater fish and have long-flowing fins that are a sight to behold.
These fishes are low maintenance and easy to keep in a tank. However, few aspects are tricky, which can become easy with this fantail goldfish guide to care.
Information Chart | Fantail Goldfish |
Scientific Name: | Carassius auratus |
Family: | Cyprinidae |
Care Level: | Beginner |
Temperament: | Peaceful |
Color: | Various |
Lifespan: | Up to 10 years |
Size: | 6-8 inches |
Diet: | Omnivore |
Minimum Tank Size: | 20 gallons |
Temperature: | 65-75 degrees |
WaterConditions: | Freshwater, KH 4 to 20, pH- 6.5 to 7.5 |
Tank Mate Compatibility | They are peaceful fish, they easily get along with their own community and other fishes like cory goldfish, snail, and shrimp. |
Table of Contents
About Fantail Goldfish: Information
Fantail Goldfish Appearance

Fantail Goldfish stands out in the aquarium due to their vibrant body structure and color. The physical attribute of fantail goldfish is short and stubby. The body is egg-shaped, and the egg is more significant than the body.
The outer appearance is goldfish-like, but once you give it a closer look, you can easily distinguish it from basic goldfish. They are undeniably pleasant and attractive due to their vibrant colors, but the feature that makes them stand out from the rest is their double anal and caudal fins. The fins separate in two halves from the body of the fish.
It looks incredible when they swim, it spreads like a fan, and that’s why it is called fantail goldfish. They have nacreous and metallic scales. Furthermore, the eyes of the fantail goldfish are either telescopic or normal. They come in a wide range of colors: orange, yellow, red, and uncommon colors like metallic blue, pure white, and black.
The Lifespan of Fantail Fish
The typical lifespan of fantail fish comes somewhere between 10-12 years. If proper care and ample space are given, you can expect them to live up to 15 years. However, most goldfish do not live up to their optimum life span due to suboptimal conditions.
The typical life span of fantail goldfish is 5-10 years. The fish is known to live more than that if top-notch care is given. However, these fishes are prone to health issues that severely affect their life span. While a part of luck is involved, if you keep them in proper maintenance, they don’t hesitate to give you the best.
Size Of Fantail Fish
The typical size of the fantail fish grows up to 6 inches. The significant advantage of keeping a goldfish type is they are small and do not tale enough space. So, if you have a small aquarium, you can still keep a goldfish. The 20-gallon tank size is enough to keep the fantail fish. This means you can keep the pet fish in any corner of your house.
If you want to keep more than one fish in the tank, you can go up to 30 gallons tank size, which would be enough for the fish. The adage, “the more, the merrier,” suits this situation. However, it would be a headache for you to change the water and maintain the tank’s cleanliness. So, I would recommend going for a 20–30-gallon tank, and you can give your fish the ideal space to live in.
Natural Habitat and Origin of Fantail Fish
Let’s turn the pages of history to know about the origin of fantail goldfish. It is a prominent member of the carp family, and it is mostly seen in captivity. They are descendent of Carassius gibelio, which also includes wild Prussian carp.
They are native to East Asia. They were at first bred in China 1000 years ago. It was seen during the Ming dynasty, which dates back to the 1400s. However, over the years, it has traveled to Japan, Europe, and America.
The habitat of Fantail Goldfish resembles the carps. You won’t see them swimming freely like carp, but they love dwelling in the pond—cold-water lakes and rivers.
Care and Tank Setup

Caring for fantail goldfish is exceptionally easy. It is an ideal fish to keep at house for beginners and professionals. So, if you are bridging this little creature to your home, start by setting up the tank. The tank setup is easy. This is the place where the fish will thrive.
These fish like to swim freely, so you must pick a tank of large size. They are different from goldfish, so you can’t keep them in tropical water conditions. They want a cooler environment, so keep in mind the water temperature should always be cooler than room temperature.
Tank Size and Specification
The recommended tank size is 22 gallons. As we have mentioned in the upper section of the article, these fishes like to swim a lot! But you know the most significant advantage is that they are small in size, so if you have a small to medium-sized tank, that would be enough for them.
The ideal size of the tank should be 20 gallons, but the more space they get, the healthier they will grow. These fishes like to swim in the upper to middle range of the water level, so even if you don’t put a lid, it won’t have any specific impact.
If you want the best results and keep more than one fish in a tank, go for a 30-gallon tank. It would help you too as the water remains more stable and requires less cleaning.
You will find smaller tanks get dirty more often and require water changing and cleaning. In addition, the more fish you add, the bigger tank you will need. According to aquarists, for each goldfish, you need an extra 10-gallon tank.
Optimum Tank Size
The optimum tank size should be between 20-30 gallons. It is ideal for fish to grow and get enough space to swim. Fantails are known to live in ponds. Many fantail owners keep the fish in the backyard pond.
Tank Shape for Fantail Fish
The fantail goldfish should be kept in a tank with maximum surface area. When they are kept in a large tank with broader surface areas, they have a lower chance of dying due to a lack of oxygen. In addition, the shape of the tank determines the surface area of the tank. So, for instance, the surface area of tall tanks is less than the surface area of elongated tanks.
So, if you have an oval or wider in the middle shape of the tank, then fill the water till its wide area to enhance the surface area of the tank.
Filter Type
No matter how big or small your fish tank is, you should always keep a good filtration system. It ensures your fish won’t die due to a lack of oxygen. For example, you either put outside filters like air stones or internal filters to save a fantail goldfish.
Standard filters are not up to the mark for fantail goldfishes. Due to their waste, they need suitable filtration. So, HOLB filters, canister filters, sump/wet filters, dry filters, and sponge filters are great options for these fishes.
The filter you should aim for should be five times the tank’s volume, which means if you want a filter for a 20-gallon tank, you should look for a filtration system in the range of 100–200-gallon tank.
A serene and simple decoration of the tank is ideal for the fish to grow. The substrate for the tank should be soft sand. Fantails are excellent swimmers, which means they like to swim in every nook of the tank. It means like to dig sometimes.
However, if you want to give a natural look, then go for gravel substrate. It makes the environment comfortable for them. Put some decor and ornamentation to make the tank attractive and give them space for their playfulness.
Put soft driftwood, add some pebbles or rocks, and plastic plants. Keep the decor simple. The decoration shouldn’t be too much. These fishes sometimes need a place to hide, and this should be enough for them.
Keep in mind you should not put any pointy or sharp-edged object in the tank. They are very delicate, so unknowingly, they can get injured.
How Many Fish Can A 22-Gallon Tank Fit?
You can keep 2-3 fantail goldfish in a 22-gallon tank. The general thumb rule for keeping a fish in a tank is 1 inch of fish needs 1 gallon of water. So, if the size of the fish is 5-6 inches, you can keep three fish in the water.
However, you must keep in mind that these fishes grow quite quickly and need space to swim. So, don’t put too many fishes as they will become congested and prone to diseases.
Water Parameters for Fantail Goldfish
Maintaining the right water parameters for these fishes is highly crucial. While checking the water parameters, you must keep in mind the hardness of water, pH level, and temperature. The basic rule for the water parameter is that the ammonia and nitrate level should be zero.
Water Temperature
The ideal temperature of the water should be between 65 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You should aim for the water temperature to keep between 73 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The fantail fishes are cold-water fish. So, when they are put in the tank, you should keep in mind they don’t need a water heater, and the water should be colder than the room temperature.
Water Flow Rate
The water flow rate should be moderate for fantail goldfish.
Water Hardness
The water hardness should range from 5-19dGH. At the same time, the perfect pH balance should be between 6.0 to 7.5.
You don’t have to aim for exact numbers in the water parameter, but it would be better to make the levels as close to the numbers provided here. In suitable water conditions, the goldfish thrives and stays healthy.
Tank Landscape
With the right decor and perfect decoration, you can create a landscape that resembles their natural habitat. For example, you can create a miniature version of mountains, caves, and lakes, and the landscape will not only be enjoyed by the fish, but the visitor at your house will also love looking at your aquarium.
You can put plastic and natural plants. Some of the aquarium plants are known for enriching the aesthetic appeal of the aquarium.
However, these fishes love to dig and uproot the plants. So, you need a substrate that keeps it intact. You can put driftwood or pebbles to mitigate the issue with the uprooting of the plants. So, which plant should you choose, and which one should you avoid? Well, here is the small list so you can make the right decision.
Best Plants

- Amazon sword
- Java fern
- Java Moss
- Crypts
- Anubis
Best Floating Plants Are:

- Duckweed
- Frogbit
- Water lettuce
- Water Hyacinth
Worst Plants
- Tiger lily
- Morning glory
Decorations For Fish Tank
There is no need for the decoration of fish. However, few factors influence their growth—the right hardness of water, substrate, and tank size.
Lighting For Fish Tank
The lighting for fish should be between light to moderate. They don’t need too much lightning.
Any Requirement for Fantail Goldfish
The fantail fish have tolerance for brackish water. Moreover, the salinity of the water for fantail goldfish should be kept below 10%.
Feeding Fantail Goldfish
The fantail goldfish do not have the best digestive system. So, they quickly develop digestive problems. The digestive organs are compact. That’s why it leads to problems. As a keeper, you must design a healthy diet. They are carnivorous and eat most of the aquarium foods. They are not picky eaters, so that you can give them any aquarium food.
To ease the load on their digestive system, feed them in small amounts. This helps in getting the required break-in meals. They always look angry, but that doesn’t mean you have to put extra food. It is better if you clean the tank to remove the extra food. It helps in good digestion when they don’t overeat.
You should always pick high-quality foods, which means you have to minimize the frozen food and focus more on live foods. Frozen food has a much lower nutrient content that can affect their health. Instead, provide them moist food to retain the nutrients.
Best Diet Plan for Fantail Goldfish
The best diet plan for fantail goldfish should consist of 40% protein and 4.0-6.0kcal/g energy. A balanced diet that comprises chicken, lean meat, squid meals is appropriate. Provide them with these in either frozen or moist form.
Moreover, you can provide them with pellets or dry flakes. Foods like shrimps, daphnia, or bloodworms are the ideal choices for their diet.
You can feed them this food without worrying about nutrient deficiency. Furthermore, you can give them a plant-based balanced diet, high fiber snacks, and zucchini.
How Often Should I Feed the Fantail Fish?
You should feed your fish twice a day.
Behavior And Temperament
Fantails are peaceful fish in nature. They refrain from violence. They swim with gracefulness and nimbleness. Elegance is the best feature of the fantail goldfish.
They are quite productive and active throughout the day. These don’t like sitting ideally, so they swim in every hook and nook of the aquarium. They swim in the middle and upper part of the aquarium. However, sometimes they like to dig in the bottom for food.
Fantails are social fish. They interact with other fishes peacefully. They swim in the tank together and enjoy playing with other tank mates.
Are Fantail Fish Social in Nature?
They are social. They like to swim with other tank mates. If they are kept alone, they feel depressed and lethargic. So, it is best if you keep them in the community.
Tank Mates
They are social fish, so you definitely need to keep in a group with other ideal choices. Here we have listed both ideal and bad tank mates. So, your fish would get the right environment in captivity.
Ideal Tankmates
Pairing the fantail goldfish is the best decision you can take for them. Their suitable tank mates make them cheerful and happy.

- Rosy Barbs
- Dojo Loach
- Hog Nose Catfish
- White Cloud Minnows
- Discus
The fishes listed above live in cold water, and they are not aggressive fish. They get along well with fantail goldfish.
Bad Tank Mates
Any aggressive fish which are strong and can easily compete with fantail goldfish should be avoided. They are not known warriors of the tank, so they will find it difficult to adjust if you put them with aggressive fish. The thumb rule for avoiding any fish as fantail’s tank mate is to know whether or not they can harm the fish. If they can, you must not buy them.
- Tiger barbs
- Cichlids
- Flowerhorn cichlid
- Betta fish
- Arowana fish
Breeding of Fantail Goldfish
Breeding fantail goldfish is easy. You can breed them even in the tank. They can lay up to thousands of eggs at any given point in time. To breed, you need to provide the right conditions and start spawning. Firstly, you need to prepare a breeding tank with similar water conditions as your primary tank. It would be best if there were no water parasites present in the breeding tank.
Once everything is set, slowly drop the temperature to 60 degrees Fahrenheit and then increase the warmth using a water heater by 3 degrees. It helps in enhancing the urge of the fish to spawn. Do this every day. You will notice soon the fishes have started spawning. It happens when the temperature of the water is between 68 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Soon you will notice small eggs lying around in the bottom of the tank. After the process is complete and the female has laid all the eggs, put the fish in different tanks as you don’t want them to feed on their eggs. The hatching of eggs can take 5-6 days. After they are hatched, you can provide them easy to digest food.
Breeding Level
Sexual Dimorphism
The sexual dimorphism in fishes is hard to distinguish from other animals. When the fishes are grown enough to reproduce, they will have white prickles. The pregnant females appear fatter while the males are small and skinny. Another way of checking the male and female is to look for an opening at the end of the anal fins as the eggs depart.
Common Diseases of Fantail Goldfish
They are hardy fish which means they easily recover. However, they easily develop sickness. The common diseases include fungal infections, bacterial infections, protozoa, and parasites. In addition, the fish encounters other problems inside the tank are poor nutrition, injury, or bad water condition.
Swim Bladder Disease
This is one of the most common diseases that affect the swimming ability of the fantail goldfish. It is caused due to poor nutrition due to constipation. However, you can treat or prevent the disease by providing them staple balanced diet.
It is a common fish disease that affects the fish. It is a whitish layer that can be fatal for fish if not cured in time. A water parasite causes it. To prevent it, you should keep the fish tank clean. To treat ich, increase the water temperature.
Facts About Fantail Goldfish
- Fanatics have vibrant colors.
- Fantail Goldfish can live up to 15-20 years as they are hardy fish.
- Fantail Goldfish is simple. They are not wild.
Is Fantail Goldfish Right for You?
Yes, they are suitable for you. However, if you are a beginner, you need proper research before buying them and keeping them. If you have a home tank, you should pick fantail goldfish.
Frequently Asked Question
You can provide them with good nutrition, the right environment in the tank, and popper water hardness. Then, they thrive well when they are put together with other fishes.
To keep them happy and healthy:
– Keep the water clean.
– Remove the fish and put them in a holding tank.
– Change the water, rinse them in clean water in the holding tank, and then put them back in the tank.
No, they don’t need an air pump.
Yes, they are pretty happy in the captivity providing enough space for them to swim.
The fantail goldfish are exquisitely gorgeous and are a fancy version of goldfish. They enhance the aesthetic appeal of the house. Here in this article, we have provided in-depth information. We hope you have found everything you need. After reading this article, we hope you will get one for yourself as they are one of the most popular goldfish in the market.
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