Advantages of Live Aquarium Plants (Benefits Revealed)
In the first weeks, you liked your aquarium because it looked nice and gave you a peaceful feeling just looking at it. Yes, it was

How to Plant Ludwigia Repens – Care Guide and Tank Mates
Not all aquarium plants are easy to maintain, but all of them are beautiful. Some have strict requirements and if not followed, you will not

Low-Tech Planted Tank Guide
If you are passionate about aquascaping, but you do not have much time to take care of your tank, you might have a problem. As

Staurogyne Repens Carpet Care Guide – Carpet, Floating, Propagation
Staurogyne repens carpet is among the most popular freshwater plants belonging to the Acanthaceae family, with over 2500 species worldwide. The Cristalino River, located in South America, is

Amazon Sword Care Guide – Carpet, Floating, Propagation
The Amazon Sword (Echinodorus Bleheri) is a very popular aquarium plant originating from the Amazon River Basin, as its name already suggests. Amazon Sword is

Cryptocoryne Beckettii Guide
Cryptocorynes are aquatic plants originally native to India, Sri Lanka, and New Guinea, but has recently been established in regions of North America, especially Florida,

Anubias Nana: Care Guide, Reproduction, Tank Size & Disease
Anubias Nana Overview The Anubias Nana is a blooming plant native to western Africa that grows along riverbanks. It rarely grows wholly submerged in the

African Water Fern Guide – Bolbitis Heudelotii Grow & Reproduce
The African Water Fern, or Bolbitis Heudelotii, is a robust aquatic fern commonly found in streams and boggy areas throughout Africa. Another common name is

Lilaeopsis Guide
The Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis, commonly known as Brazilian micro sword, is a short-stemmed carpet-like plant commonly used in the foreground of many tanks. It can be

Water Wisteria: Complete Guide to Care, Breeding, Tank Size and Disease
Water Wisteria: A Quick Summary Water Wisteria (Hygrophila Difformis) is a fast-growing, aquatic plant native to Southeast Asia. It is a popular choice for aquaria