Amazon Frogbit Aquarium Plant Care Guide – Carpet, Floating, Propagation
We explore the Amazon Frogbit, an easy-to-care-for floating aquatic plant from the Hydrocharitaceae family, native to Central and South America but also found as an

Rotala Macrandra Aquarium Plant Care Guide & Appearance
Rotala Macrandra is an aquarium plant that is very popular in the aquarium trade for its beautiful coloration and it has widely been used in

Jungle Val: Planting and Maintaining Guide
Vallisneria Americana also commonly known simply as Jungle Val, water celery, tape grass or eelgrass is a freshwater plant that is hardy and can survive

Brazilian Pennywort In An Aquarium? Roots, Stems & Leaves
If you are a beginner aquarium, Brazilian Pennywort is a perfect choice. It is one of the most common aquarium plants, which will look adorable

Cyperus Helferi Care Guide – Carpet, Floating, Propagation
Cyperus Helferi Care Cyperus Helferi can grow fully submersed in water or emersed and needs to be shortened regularly. It requires a lot of light

Utricularia Graminifolia Aquarium Plant Care Guide (2025)
Utricularia graminifolia, a beautiful foreground plant, originated in Asia (Burma, China, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and was discovered in 1804 by Martin Vahl, but

Green Hair Algae: 3 Quick Fixes & Get Rid of Them Easily
In this article, we discuss causes and solutions for hair algae in aquariums. Key factors include high phosphate and nitrate levels, excessive light, and CO2

Vallisneria aquarium plant
Vallisneria is a classical aquarium plant also known as eelgrass, tape grass, and Vallis. It is not famous among all aquarium keepers and hobbyists. Vallisneria

Tips to Creating a Carpet in Your Planted Tank
Imagine lush, green grass flowing loosely with every movement of fish swimming passed; smaller fish playing tag in between the different species of seaweed. An

Best Planted Tank Forums
When you have a hobby, you want to share your experience with other people. It’s always better to discuss every element of your tank with