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Kribensis Cichlid Overview
Kribensis Cichlid, a dwarf cichlid, is really colorful, beautiful, and easy to take care of. In addition, these freshwater fish are extremely peaceful and are known for their unique body patterns, especially during the breeding season.
These cichlids originated in the waters of southern Nigeria and coastal areas of Cameroon. They are mostly found in shallow water with dense vegetation. This data will help you get information about Kribensis Cichlid care’s fundamental components, tank size, and breeds.
Information Chart | Kribensis Cichlid |
Scientific Name: | Pelvicachromis Pulcher |
Family: | Cichlidae |
Care Level: | Easy |
Temperament: | Moderately aggressive |
Color: | Yellow, red, green, blue |
Lifespan: | 5 years |
Size: | 3-4 inches |
Diet: | Omnivorous |
Minimum Tank Size: | 20-gallon |
Temperature: | 75-77°F |
Water Conditions: | ph 6.5 |
Tank Mate Compatibility | Plecos, Congo Tetras and Tiger Barbs |
Kribensis Cichlid Appearance

When it comes to appearance, Kribensis Cichlid has the best coloration that varies from grey to white. However, the most captivating feature of this species is the Kribensis Cichlid female’s reddish-pink belly, which is even more attractive during breeding time.
While the males have extended and pointed dorsal fins that are dramatic curved points to the back of the body. Both the dorsal and tail fins are colored yellow and red from the edge for males and females.
Lifespan Of Kribensis Cichlid
The typical lifespan of Kribensis Cichlid is 5 years. However, like any other fish, Kribensis Cichlid is also incapable of adjusting to undrained water quality and suboptimal habits.
It’s important to provide them with the best care possible. Doing so can increase their lifespan and health conditions.
Kribensis Cichlid Size
The typical Kribensis Cichlid typically grows up to 4 inches in length in males and 3 inches in length in females. Therefore, these cichlids are normally small in size, especially compared to their other cichlid relatives.
Natural Habitat And Origin
Kribensis Cichlid typically originates from drainage areas of the Ethiopia River of the Nigeria Delta. Therefore, these fish species are also called “brackish–water fish”. Some Kribensis Cichlid fish came from brackish and hard water, while others were soft and black. In addition, they came from slow-moving water with thick vegetation.
Kribensis Cichlid Care & Tank SetUp
Kribensis Cichlid Tank Size And Specifications

Normally, the size doesn’t affect much of the stress level of the animal. But, also the large size of the tank can make them happy and comfortable.
Optimum Tank Size For Kribensis Cichlid
The recommended size of Kribensis Cichlid tank is 20 gallons. People also adjust to a 10-gallon tank, but a large tank is better to prevent territorial behavior. In a large size, the tank can also keep more Cichlids.
Tank Shape For Kribensis Cichlid
Kribensis Cichlid requires a cuboid shape tank so that they move freely. Therefore, they do not face any problems regarding congestion.
Filter Type
A powerful filtration system is always admired for a Kribensis cichlid. However, you would notice that kribensis cichlids are relatively susceptible to nitrates and ammonia. Therefore, your filter is required to be eligible to get rid of those impurities effectively.
When it comes to the substrate, you are always advised to utilize fine stone. Kribensis Cichlid likes to spend most of their time at the tank’s ground and would always dig around. You would always observe this, particularly at the time of the breeding process. Fine rock is susceptible to moving around and is comfortable and safe enough for the kribensis cichlid to manage.
How Many Kribensis Cichlid In 20 Gallon Tank?
It suggested that we can put a breeding pair of Kribensis Cichlid in a tank with a length of 20 gallons as it will be safer and better for the cichlids. We can also put some plants for safeguard.
Water Parameters For Kribensis Cichlid
Kribensis Cichlid is a freshwater fish that originates from the natural environment with different water parameters. Some cichlid comes from hard and brackish water, while others come from black and soft water. This makes them tolerant of different kinds of water quality.
Maintain the condition and try to keep things stable. Slight fluctuations in water conditions won’t affect them much.
Water Temperature
The ideal water temperature for Kribensis Cichlid is 75-77 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, the ideal temperature for Kribensis Cichlid is 75-77 degrees Fahrenheit and water hardness 5 to 20 GH, and pH level between 5.0 to 8.0 ( neutral pH level).
Ph Level
The perfect water pH level for Kribensis Cichlid is 6.5.
Water Hardness
The adequate hardness of water lies between 5 to 20 dGH. It would be a nice idea to do a moderately periodic examination of water when you get this breed. This would enable you to maintain the water-compatible parameters and make it easy for your fish to get settled.
Kribensis Cichlid Tank Landscape
There are a few things that can be kept with Kribensis Cichlid in the tank. The first and the most important thing for Kribensis Cichlid is the caves. They love caves, and you will often find them in caves, especially during breeding time.

The cave can be natural or artificial, but take care that their edges should be soft so that it won’t harm them (clay pots can also be used as craves). There should be some plants also to safeguard them. For preventing fish from digging around or sticking at the bottom, use fine gravel. As fine gravel will be easy for them to handle and also be safer.
Lastly, these fish species are sensitive to diseases, as to protect them, put a strong flirtation system.
Best Plants For Kribensis Cichlid Tanks
Here is the list of few plants that can be kept in the tank with Kribensis Cichlid:
- Amazon sword
- Dwarf sag
- Java moss
- Java fern
- Pennywort
- Ludwigia
- Anacharis
- Red Root Floaters
- Anubias
- Subwassertang
- Rotala Macrandra
- Vallisheria
Decorations For Kribensis Cichlid Tanks
When it comes to decorations, you are required to add some caves to your fish tank because they are the most important things for kribensis cichlids. These fish species like caves and generally utilize their caves in the dedicated breeding tank for the process. Therefore, you could add various caves in the setting.
You could also put some unnatural caves or give them a look at the biological set. Driftwood, clay pots, coconut shells, and flat rocks would be an alternative. Most importantly, the opening is required to have soft edges to avoid destruction.
Lighting For Kribensis Cichlid Tanks
Kribensis Cichlids are not much crazy regarding the flow of water or powerful lighting. You are required to maintain the current somewhat delicate and establish the lights to an intermediate grade. Kribensis Cichlids would be able to regulate their susceptibility to light by themselves due to many hiding places.
Feeding Kribensis Cichlid
Kribensis Cichlids enjoy omnivore nourishment with a variety of food.
The manageable and varied diet which you would be able to feed them is sinking pellet food. Kribensis Cichlids generally live on the floor of the tank.

You can provide them with some live food, frozen foods, and freeze-dried if you want to feed them protein. You could also go with other stuff such as baby brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, blood worms, daphnia, and much more.
Best Diet For Kribensis Cichlids
Kribensis Cichlid is omnivorous and can eat food like flake or pellet foods, frozen brine shrimp, freshly hatched brine, daphnia, mosquito larvae, blood worms, and even vegetables (such as zucchini).
Variations in the same food will help them in maintaining their health. So, can provide them with sinking pellets, i.e., food that can sink into the water as bottom dwellers. Then, during their bleeding time, try to provide them with plenty of food.
It does not matter what you are providing to your fish, and you are always advised to be very careful about not overfeeding your fish. You are required to provide sufficient food that your fish would be able to eat in a few minutes. You need to eliminate any excess to conserve the water integrity.
How Often Should You Feed Kribensis Cichlid?
When it comes to identifying how much to feed your Kribensis, Cichlid would be very difficult. Therefore, you should opt for a golden rule that provides the quantity of food to your Kribensis Cichlid, which Kribs eat in 2-3 minutes.

This rule would be very helpful for you because it can prevent the problem of overfeeding. However, you are required to repeat the same procedure every day with its particular food. You can also feed your Kribensis Cichlid some pieces of zucchini, lettuce, or cucumber, zucchini once or twice a week.
Providing them more than suggested in the golden rule could be hazardous because Kribensis Cichlid could face many digestive issues. Therefore, it has always been suggested not to overfeed your Kribensis Cichlid.
Kribensis Cichlid Behaviour And Temperament
Kribensis Cichlids are extremely friendly, quiet, and non-contentious. They prefer to live with most like-minded breeds and would be effortlessly sharing their tanks with other fish.
There exist only one aspect that creates a problem, that is nothing but fin-nipping. Kribensis Cichlid is understood to hunt freshwater breeds from its tall flowy tails.
You may moreover experience territorial conflicts around caves. These fish are required to keep with other cave residing breeds. Kribensis Cichlids are very defensive of the region. This kind of attitude of Kribensis Cichlid is further evident at the time of spawning.
Are Kribensis Cichlid Lone Or Societal In Nature?
Kribensis Cichlid is societal because they are peaceful, friendly, and quiet. But it can be problematic for them to live if you keep them like 3-4 female Kribs and one male Kribensis Cichlid in the same tank.
Kribensis Cichlid Tank Mates
There exist numerous breeds which you would be able to introduce to your fish tank. For example, Kribensis Cichlids work nicely in a breeding pair, but you may experience some difficulties when keeping more than one male in the same tank.

Therefore, keeping at least 3-4 female Kribs is always recommended with only one Kribensis Cichlid. You must avert any slow-moving fish with long fins because Kribensis Cichlid loves to hunt and bite fins whenever they get this chance.
Ideal Kribensis Cichlids Tank Mates
The following is the list of the possible tank mates for Kribensis:
- Corydoras Catfish
- Other Dwarf Cichlids
- Plecos
- Tiger Barbs
- Cherry Barbs
- Siamese Algae Eater
- Harlequin Rasboras
- Congo Tetras
Bad Tank Mates For Kribensis Cichlids
The following is the list of some bad tank mates for your Kribensis Cichlids:
- Invertebrates
- Bottom Dwellers
- Other Kribensis
- Large Cichlids
Breeding Kribensis Cichlid
The breeding process of Kribensis Cichlids is very easy. Kribensis Cichlids voluntarily breed in a community tank. Besides, they show extremely powerful parental impulses. Therefore, if you wish to increase the survival chances for their fries, it is always advised to set up a dedicated breeding tank for the process.
You are required to increase the temperature of that particular tank to nearly 80°F to get a bigger grip. Furthermore, you are required to alter the pH level to 7.0. As a substrate, you can utilize fine rock and position a large cave to your fish tank. Accordingly, bring up the coupled set.
The female Kribensis fish would formulate that red stomach and would swell up with eggs. You may notice various fascinating aspects from both the fish. First, the couple would select a hole and begin clearing that out for their eggs. When the female Kribensis Cichlids is prepared, the female will lay around 200 to 300 eggs into the cave.
The female would live inside that cave with her eggs till the time the eggs hatch. Along with that, the male Kribensis Cichlids also stays around the cave to look out the cave. It would take all least 3-4 days to hatch the eggs. Both of their parents would protect them the whole period.
When their baby fish begins free-swimming, you will notice babies of Kribensis fish following their mother. You could feed the newborn babies with infusoria, liquid fish, and powdered fish that would enable them to thrive.
The male and female Kribensis Cichlids would proceed to stare at their babies as they grow. You are required to look out for any kind of attack and put their parents in a separate tank if you observe any difficulties arising.
Kribensis Cichlid Breeding Level
- Easy
Kribensis Cichlid Sexual Dimorphism?
To distinguish between male and female Kribensis Cichlids, we can see the size. The Female Kribensis Cichlids have shorter anal fins in a round shape and a wide yellowish band on the top of the dorsal fin.
Female Kribensis Cichlids’ are extensively small fish compared to the male Kribensis Cichlids and have an extra abdomen in a round shape, which looks bright red or purple when they are prepared to breed.
Kribensis Cichlid Common Diseases And Their Treatment
Kribensis Cichlids are generally healthy, and they do not suffer from any illness easily. Nonetheless, they could undergo various widespread freshwater infections and disorders. Most illnesses that influence freshwater fish instantly arise due to poor conditions of the water.

Once the conditions of water begin to tumble, fish would come to be worried. This would generally lead to popular fish diseases such as drops, fin rot, and ich. If you recognize your fish is becoming the room for diseases, you must quarantine your Kribensis Cichlids shortly.
Various disorders are infectious and could handily transfer from one fish to another. Therefore, once your fish is done with the quarantine period, you are required to give them some pills and maintain a suspicious eye till your Kribensis Cichlids recover.
Facts About Kribensis Cichlid
- Kribensis cichlid is extremely beautiful, joyous, and susceptible to raising fish.
- It’s a colorful freshwater fish with gorgeous colors that enhance seasoning to their tank, and Kribensis Cichlid does not expect much supervision.
- Kribensis Cichlid would be able to stay at least for five years if you supervise them adequately.
Are Kribensis Cichlid Right For You?
Kribensis Cichlid would be right for you because looking after Kribensis Cichlid is not much complicated. Nonetheless, it is crucial to prevent pressure to enhance their chances of suffering from freshwater infections.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can Kribensis Cichlid Be Kept In Couples?
Kribensis Cichlid is community fish and friendly. Kribensis Cichlid works nicely in couples. But if you keep the number of male Kribensis Cichlid more than females, it may create serious crises for you.
Therefore, keeping at least 3-4 females Kribensis Cichlid with only one male Kribensis Cichlid in a single tank is advisable.
Would You Be Able To Stop Kribensis Cichlid From Breeding?
Yes, but it is relatively tough. You should know that once Kribensis Cichlid has coupled, they proceed to reproduce every 5-7 weeks. You would be required to keep both the coupled Kribensis Cichlid in the separate breeding tank to avoid them from breeding.
How Often Do Kribensis Cichlids Breed?
Kribensis Cichlid reproduces every 5-7 weeks.
Can You Feed Your Kribensis Cichlids With Neon Tetras?
Kribensis Cichlid and Neons are near similar lengths. Therefore, a completely grown Neno Tetras can not get fit in the mouth of Kribensis Cichlid. Kribensis Cichlid is furthermore agreeable with friendly fish such as Neon Tetras.
Therefore, Kribensis Cichlid can not eat Neon Tetras. However, a completely grown male Kribensis Cichlid might hunt and surely eat the babies of Neon Tetras.
Kribensis Cichlids are bright freshwater fish that could brighten your fish tank. We wish this article made you contemplate buying one Kribensis Cichlid for your fish tank. A set of coupled Kribensis Cichlid would extensively hang out with their other tank mates. However, you are required to be very careful at the time of the breeding process.
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